Authored by: Cadet Ekaterina Balatsenko and LTC (R) Douglas Osborn
Photos by: Jayne Kerns
The Army JROTC Viking Battalion of Woodbridge Senior High School participated in the New York City St. Patrick’s Day Parade on March 17. Marching approximately three miles, the group of 57 High School JROTC Cadets was led by C/LTC Jada Dean and C/CSM Major Tyler Brunelle. According to the Senior Army Instructor LTC (Ret.) Osborn, “This is the first time in our program’s 23-year history we’ve taken the Cadets to New York City. I am impressed by their enthusiasm and leadership. Their ability to organize and plan this trip to New York is nothing short of active military units. 1SG (R) Jackson is grateful for the parents who stepped forward to assist with their contributions.” With an estimated two million in attendance, the city’s St. Patrick’s Day Parade is known as the oldest and largest in the world. It started in the 1700s and is in its 263rd year – 14 years prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence.