Wiesbaden High School – Warrior Battalion Supports Community for New School Year

Writer: Cadet CPT Avah Wetherwax

Photographer: C/CPT Avah Wetherwax

On the 12 – 16 of August 2024, the Wiesbaden High School Warrior Battalion supported the Wiesbaden schools by helping teachers and participating in the open house. At this event, Cadets assisted teachers on Hainerberg and Aukamm by setting up classrooms and organizing laptops for distribution. At the WHS open house, Cadets led tours, conducted a rope bridge, and explained the mission of JROTC to new and returning students. When asked why she takes time out of her summer to support her community, C/MAJ Cydnee Lassiter says, “I like to set a good example for my peers and be a responsible Cadet through volunteering in my community.