Wiesbaden High School – Representatives from the 1st ROTC Brigade Visit WHS

Writer – C/2LT Elizabeth Berg

Photographer – C/CPT Avah Wetherwax/C/CPT Avah Wetherwax

On November 22, 2024, representatives of the 1st ROTC Brigade visited Wiesbaden High School. During their visit they had a presentation detailing all of the benefits, experiences, and opportunities provided by Junior and Senior Military colleges. Some of these benefits were full tuition scholarships, a $1,200 book allowance, and a personal paid stipend of $420 while attending class. The visitors spoke of the different kinds of Military colleges and which ones would be most suited for specific jobs and careers that the students were striving for. When asked about the importance of the presentation, C/SSG Tyson Powell said,

“I think the presentation was a great opportunity for students to learn more about their options after high school. Many students aren’t aware of how many options they truly have, so this really helps broaden their scope and consider attending.”