Wiesbaden High School – Wiesbaden Warrior Battalion Honor 4×4 Cadets with Mid-year Awards Ceremony

Writer – C/2LT Elizabeth Berg

Photographer – C/CPT Avah Wetherwax, C/Anna-Victoria Westcott

On January 14, the Wiesbaden Warrior Battalion held a mid-year award ceremony for our 4×4 cadets. In previous years, the battalion only held one ceremony at the end of the school year. However, SAI LTC John Ring felt it was unfair to the cadets that finished the class earlier in the year. So the battalion organized a second ceremony to properly recognize and honor these cadets.

The ceremony opened with the introduction of the color guard carrying the American and Warrior Battalion flags. While the color guard marched to the front of the formation, the entire battalion was brought to attention.Then the American national anthem was played. Soon after, Cadet MAJ Nicolas Hernandez was brought up to narrate the ceremony and introduce the awardees.

During the ceremony many ribbons were awarded to highly deserving cadets One notable ribbon was awarded to Cadet Bailey Foulk who was given the Distinguished Cadet ribbon. The Distinguished cadet ribbon is awarded annually to one cadet in the battalion who exhibits outstanding academic and leading excellence. Another exciting award was the Raider Team arc, cord, and ribbon. Which was given for the first time to the Warrior Battalion Raider team. When asked about their experience Cadet SFC Lillie Redeen said, β€œIt was a lot of fun and it was great to get my awards half way through the year instead of trying to organize a way to come back later.”

After awards were finished, the change of command ceremony began. The ceremony consists of passing the battalion flag from the outgoing battalion commander (LTC Jacob Barnes), to SAI LTC John Ring, and then to the incoming battalion commander (Cadet LTC Cydnee Lassiter). The passing of the flag symbolizes the passing of power,responsibility, and leadership from the previous commander to the latest. When asked about the change in command, former battalion commander LTC Jacob Barnes said, “The Change of Command is always a sacred and powerful ceremony, signifying the transition of responsibility between one cadet to another.

I am incredibly thankful to have had the opportunity to lead the Warrior Battalion; the challenges and responsibilities of the job have allowed me to learn so much, and grow as both a person and a leader. I look forward to seeing where Cydnee takes the battalion; we all have full faith and confidence in her abilities and leadership potential.” The Ceremony concluded with the entire Battalion joining together to recite the cadet creed.