Story by: CW4 (R) Christine Landers
On 4 NOV 2022 Hillcrest High School attended the West Point LEADS Workshop. The workshop was to provide DISD JROTC Cadets a chance to work with current US Military Academy Cadets as well as a small team of West Point Staff. Leadership, Ethics and Diversity was discussed in an open forum with all cadets, the cadets were later broken down into small classes where STEM related curriculum was used. West Point Cadets mentored and advised cadets during the workshop. West Point admissions department was in attendance where they talked with counselors and JROTC instructors on admissions for potential cadets. Our own Delorv’a Wilson a former student of Hillcrest High School currently now a senior Cadet of West Point flew along with others from New York to be in attendance. The cadets enjoyed themselves and loved seeing one of our former cadets.
Photo (above): Pictured: Left to right C/1LT Nicolas Powell, C/LTC Jose Aguilera, Cdt. Captain Delorv’a Wilson (former Hillcrest cadet) now Senior at West Point, CW4(RET) Christine Landers.