Submitted by: Punahou and Waipahu Army JROTC programs
Photo by: LTC (R) Bob Takao
The Waipahu and Punahou Army JROTC programs partnered together to conduct a JROTC demonstration at the annual AUSA LANPAC Symposium in Honolulu.
A trio of armed exhibition cadets from Waipahu who just returned from a top ten finish at Drill Nationals wowed the audience. Cadets from Punahou who competed at Regional Air Rifle and Archery competitions, and VEX Drone and JLAB Nationals also shared their experiences.
“This was a wonderful experience to be able to share with the delegates what we can achieve through JROTC,” said Cadet Kylee Hamamoto, who is an aspiring entrepreneur and has started her own non-profit We Go Hawaii that advocates for women empowerment and gender equality.