Writer: LTC (Ret) Derrick Corbett
Photographer: LTC (Ret) Derrick Corbett
W. H. Adamson High School Cadets attended the 2024 JROTC Leadership Summer Camp in Dallas Texas. The Cadets participated in different activities such as Drone Technology, Trinity Park Adventure, Archery Range Operations and Training, Leadership Reaction Course (LRC) “Team Building”, Orienteering, and STEM.
Highlights During the Summer Camp
Summer Camp Arrival

Cadets and instructors entering the summer camp.
Aerial Drone 2024-2025 Game “Mission”

Cadets took a brief training in Aerial Drone where they learned how to operate drones and drone programming. This increased the Cadet’s knowledge and participation in the Aerial Drone Competitions.
Trinity Park Adventure

Cadets enjoyed their adventure outdoors where they participated in different activities and challenges.
Archery Range Operations and Training

Cadets took archery training while at the Archery Range.
Leadership Reaction Course (LRC) “Team Building”

Cadets took Leadership Training where they participated in team building exercises.
Read more about the Summer Camp here.