Submitted by: SFC (Retired) Prince Young
Neither snow nor darkness topped the cadets of the 18th JROTC “Falcon” Battalion from carrying on the legacy of those who have gone before them. Cadets supported The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 10692, Tower Barracks Chapter and several other European VFW Chapters. This is the 31st time that Americans have travelled to the Czech Republic to join them in celebrating their liberation from Nazi, Germany. Soldiers from the 2nd Cavalry Regiment were the first unit to enter the town which also marked the end of WWII. This is another connection for the cadets because many of their parents currently serve in the Vilseck based unit. Cadets provided a Color Guard and the battalion’s exhibition drill team put on a star-studded performance. During lunch, Cadet SSG Gravely, the battalion S-3 provided the cadets a short history of the town of Rokycany, its liberation and the hundreds of cadets who have supported this tradition. Cadets were to a special lunch by the Mayor of Rokycany
All Photos taken by SFC (Retired) Prince Young
Top Photo: Color Guard at the ready