Written by: Cadet/1LT Paola Del Rello, Battalion S5
Union High School 85th JROTC participated in the annual St Patrick’s Day parade and the 5 Points Star Academy Day hosted by 7th Congressional District, Wilmington, North Carolina. Congressman Rouzer’s staff was readily available with representatives from each academy to include, Military, Naval, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine and Air Force Service. The academies spoke with students/cadets individually and gave thorough briefings on the history and rigorous application processes.
“In all, this was a win win for our Battalion today. We had 9 Cadets that participated in the Academy day and 44 that participated in the parade. An excellent opportunity to engage with the community, and excellent opportunity for our Cadets as we represented Sampson County, North Carolina. Over the past 10 years we have had Cadets receive over $10 million in scholarships around the Nation. It would be an honor to have some of our Cadets actually graduate from one of the prestigious US military academies” says Battalion Commander Cadet/Lieutenant Colonel Brianna Seranno.
The 85th JROTC Battalion is led by Army Instructor Doug Koser and Senior Army Instructor Alexis McClain.