Tinian Jr. Sr. High School Army JROTC First Week Back at School

Story by: C/CPL Adriel Lenteja and C/CPL Sofia Del Rosario
Photos by: C/SGM Dennise Miguel and C/CPL Sofia Del Rosario

Welcome back to school CNMI, hope you had a fun summer, whether you went on vacation, hung out with your friends or family, or just stayed in. As of August 22, 2023, Tinian Middle School & High School had opened its doors to new and returning students.

This school year has already shown new changes to schedules, project-based learning (PBL), clubs, and sports, such as longer class sessions, PBLs being on Mondays, club sign-ups, and more sports opportunities. Another change worth mentioning is that the 6th-grade classes were moved from Tinian Elementary School to Tinian Middle School and High School Campus  joining the middle school roster.

One student expresses his thoughts on the first day of school with the new changes saying, “My first day of school was really fun, though a bit messy” further explaining, “There are a lot of changes to get used to for this school year” says C/PFC Troy Cabarles.


Even though some of these changes are something to get used to, another student says, “I’m very happy to be back in school, I missed being able to see my friends. A lot of changes were made, but I’m sure I’ll get used to them.” – C/CPL Dylan Subia

Many cadets even express their excitement in this year’s JROTC events, such as JPA, Archery, Marksmanship, Raiders, and much more.

“I am excited for the upcoming JROTC events, it has always been thrilling since I first started because the program doesn’t just account for aiding yourself if you decided to join the military but more of gaining skills that would be useful in the future,” says C/SGM Dennise Miguel

C/2LT Annabel Kiyoshi says, “I’m excited about upcoming events, especially the Drill Competition because I know our cadets have been working really hard to prepare for this year’s competition.”

This is just the beginning of the school year, yet there are a lot of opportunities for students as well as some changes to get used to. No matter what obstacles or trials come, I’m sure that the Stallions will learn to prevail. We are confident that this school year will help students form new relationships and step out of their comfort zone.