Tinian High School Army JROTC Participates in the 9/11 Field of Heroes Ceremony

Story and Photos by: C/2LT Jazmine Furton

The Stallion Battalion participates in the 9/11 Field Of Heroes Ceremony

On September 12, 2023, the Stallion Battalion participated in the 9/11 Field Of Heroes Ceremony at the Tinian Veterans Park. The Stallion Battalion organized a color guard for the event with numerous Cadets positioned in formation during the ceremony. There, the ceremony started off with the Presentation Of Colors by the Color Guard team led by C/CSM Kelvin Shrestha, C/1LT Edgard Acollador, C/2LT Rchie Lagunay, and C/SFC Abiel Erickson. The Field Of Heroes Ceremony is a day where we honor those first responders, victims, and the families of the victims affected by 9/11. This practice has continued and it is still a big part of the community until now. The ceremony then began with opening remarks and speeches by Mayor Edwin P. Aldan, Alex Sablan, and Chairman Joseph E. Santos.

During the ceremony, Cadets were privileged to present wreaths at the venue. C/PVT Letrisha and Dakota mentioned “We volunteered to present the wreaths to pay our respects to the fallen soldiers. We decided it would be a nice gesture and a way to show honor to those who have lost their lives 22 years ago on September 11, 2001.” The Field Of Heroes Ceremony holds immense importance in modern history due to its far-reaching impact. The CNMI observes this day as a tribute not only to the fallen local military personnel but also to all those who have lost their lives while striving to safeguard our well-being.

Many Cadets also recognized the significance of this day. C/MAJ Jaedon Lenteja stated, “We come together as a community to commemorate and remember those who have gone before us on that very tragic event. This 9/11 memorial serves as a reminder to stay resilient no matter what comes our way.”

We also asked about what their thoughts were on the battalion participating in the event. “It was really nice seeing Cadets in our Battalion participating in such an important event. Seeing our Battalion in this ceremony showed how much we honor our fallen heroes,” says C/2LT Rchie Lagunay. In spite of the sweltering heat, the Cadets honored the ceremony with their respects. The lessons yielded results as the Cadets displayed respect and reverence by saluting the fallen. We wish to pay tribute to those who have made sacrifices for our nation and express our gratitude to all the military personnel who have served in our armed forces.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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