Tinian High School 30 Years of Army JROTC

Story by: CPT (R) Joseph Santos and 1SG (R) Jose King
Photos by: C/2LT Jazmine Furton, C/CPT Ismail Hossain, and C/SGT Sofia Del Rosario

This year marks 30 years of Army JROTC at Tinian High School, now known as Tinian Middle School & High School (TMS&HS). Since its inception, the TMS&HS Army JROTC Stallion Battalion from 8th Brigade has been a mainstay in the Tinian community with various Service Learning and Community Projects. The unit’s JROTC Color Guard Teams perform at almost all the major events on the island, such as Pika Fest, the San Jose Fiesta, Beef Band & Beer (BBB) Festival, and Taga Fest. The Color Guard is also called upon often for Memorial and Veterans Day Ceremonies as well as other key events in the community. The teams are often complimented for their professional attitude and precise movements. The Stallion Battalion Drill Teams have always approached competitions with maximum effort and creativity. The teams are consistently competitive in all the events and demonstrate their willingness to work hard and sacrifice their personal time. One of the most recent projects that the Tinian JROTC Cadets attempted was to spearhead the recycling program in Tinian. The project initially started in October 2018 and was presented to Mayor Aldan and his Directors by Cadet Isa Long. However, Typhoon Yutu and the COVID shutdown put the project on hold. During the school year 2022-2023, the project was resurrected. At all the major festivals the Cadets sorted through trash to separate the aluminum cans. However, they were not making large gains in can collection. Utilizing their imagination the Cadets came up with an aluminum can collection competition in the Elementary school. This venture netted over 14,000 cans within a one-month period. The Cadet’s recycling efforts were recognized over and over again at this year’s Tinian Mayor’s “America’s Recycle Day” ceremony. This is just a small example of how the Cadets have contributed to the Tinian Community over the past 30 years. The Cadets who have passed through the portals of Tinian High School have represented the island well. They are some of the finest young men and women not only in the CNMI but in our nation. Many have gone on to Military Service in all the branches of the Armed Services or onto college and the workforce. In fact, four of the previous Stallion Battalion Commanders obtained their college degrees and are now at the high school as teachers or part of the mental health unit. Other former Cadets also serve as teachers at Tinian Elementary or at the High School. Quite a few also serve in the Police Force or Fire Department. This giving back to the community is an integral part of having been a JROTC Cadet and fulfills the Mission of Army JROTC which is “To Motivate Young People to Be Citizens”.