Story by: Trina Hines, 1SG (R), Ed.D.
MORGANTON, NC — The Freedom High School Army JROTC Service Learning Project was a huge success. Over 1000 non-perishable food was donated to our Superintendent’s ninth annual food drive. Led by our Cadet Battalion Commander and Cadet Command Sergeant Major, each company competed against each other to gain bragging rights as the highest donor, with 2nd period, Alpha Company, the winner.
Canned food and non-perishable food products:
– 2nd Period, Alpha Company 450 total
– 3rd Period, Bravo Company 333 total
– 4th Period, Charlie Company 285 total
Grand total: 1068 canned and non-perishable food items.
Burke County Superintendent’s ninth food drive has collected more than 200,000 pounds of food since its beginning. Last year, over 45,000 pounds was collected. All the food collected will be split between five Burke County food pantries — Burke United Christian Ministries, East Burke Christian Ministries, Abernathy Memorial United Methodist Church, Glen Alpine United Methodist Church, and the East Burke High School food pantry.