Submitted by: LTC (R) Sharon Collier
What does the Alexander JROTC Cougar Battalion do for the community?
The Alexander Battalion enjoys helping out the community as much as they can. They have many experiences with community service events and are very proud of their efforts. The cadets are willing to help out no matter the reason and put their hearts and soul in everything they do. The school year is only halfway completed and they have already accomplished so much in the community such as packing upwards of 32,000 meals at the Atlanta Community Food Bank, assisting at The Pantry Food Bank, working with Habitat for Humanity, performing at a multitude of veteran programs around the Douglasville area, and assisting many school systems with their programs during the year.
The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better citizens. The Alexander JROTC program with it’s cadets have lived up to the mission and look forward to the many projects that will help make our community a better place.

Bottom Left: Fabian Rivera, Haley Alexander, Ally Tello

Bottom: Fabian Rivera