The 4th BDE Myers Park High School Army JROTC Cadets Visit local Middle Schools

Written by: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye

CHARLOTTE, NC — Myers Park High School Army JROTC Cadets visited the local Middle Schools and talked to 8th grade students about the JROTC Program. Some of the students will attend Myers Park High School and some will go to other High Schools, however it gave the Cadets and opportunity to get the message out. They talked about what the program has done for them, and the countless opportunities it provides. They also passed out brochures with program information on it for the students to take home to their parents. A few of the Cadets also graduated from some of the schools we attended and got the opportunity to see their old teachers and talk to them as well.

Our Cadets are grateful for having the opportunity to support the program and have a since of not only belonging to a class but belonging to a family. 

Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)
Myers Park High School Army JROTC visit their local middle schools (Photo Credit: 1SG (Ret.) Kelly L. Foye)

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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