The 2023 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC)

Story by: C/PFC Seiyul Hong

Saipan, CNMI – The CNMI PSS JROTC Brigade JCLC was held at Marianas High School, Saipan Southern High School, Kagman High School, Rota High School, and Tinian High School from March 23 to the 26th. The ROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge is held annually between public high schools on Saipan, Tinian, and Rota islands.

“Compared to the other JCLC that has been hosted in the past, this year JCLC was not that physically challenging, but the only reason why I struggled was that I am still building my physical stamina. Through JCLC I was able to develop my leadership skills and through the various procedures that we did in JCLC, I was able to learn how important teamwork and effective communication were. I have made some peers with the other school since in the hotel we stayed we were with the Rota High School Cadets so since we were pretty much stuck in the hotel together we were able to meet up with each other and experienced other island ultures. I liked this JCLC this year and I will like to go again next year if I had the chance to, but I just hope there were more camping involved.”
-C/SGT Singca Trixia

“The JCLC wasn’t that physically or mentally challenging for me, I just slept a lot at the hotel and the hotel made me tired but I liked the sports events and the stations. I learned how to tie a knot and how to do CPR on people who are not breathing. I met this new friend called Sean he is cool and he’s from Rota. I would like to go to JCLC again next year.”
-C/SGT Dave Odicta

“It was mentally challenging with map navigation and another aspect. I have learned most of the things in JROTC so I didn’t have to learn many new things. I made many other friends from other schools. Overall it was fun and I would like to go again next year.”
-C/PVT Herman Aldan

“For me, JCLC was physically challenging because I am not that physically fit and it was hard to do some of the activities like other people. I learned how to tie knots and how to navigate, it was very fun. I made new friends from another school, especially from Rota. It was really fun and I would love to do it again, especially with the same people because they made it more fun.”
-C/PFC Angeli Palada

The 2023 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) (Photo Credit: Dolphin Battalion S5)
Army JROTC Cadets practice first aid at the 2023 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) (Photo Credit: Dolphin Battalion S5)
Army JROTC Cadets hold the line at the 2023 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) (Photo Credit: Dolphin Battalion S5)
Army JROTC cadets utilize their orienteering skills at the 2023 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) (Photo Credit: Dolphin Battalion S5)