Tara High School Army JROTC Cadet Recognized for Academic Success

Story and Photos by: LTC (R) Rafael J. Morrison

On 25 January, Tara High School Army JROTC Cadet Major Aria Washington from 6th Brigade was recognized for her academic excellence during a school-wide awards ceremony. Cadet Washington not only has the highest G.P.A. in the school with a 4.28 but she has the highest ACT score of 30. Cadet Washington is a senior and has already been accepted to MIT where she will pursue a degree in Engineering. Ultimately, she wants to join the Air Force and serve as a role model to her younger sister. Cadet Washington is the battalion XO, captain of the battalion’s inspection drill team, and is on the robotics team.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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