Tier 1 with Childcare investigations
In accordance with Department of Defense Instruction (DoDI) 1402.5 and DoDI 1205.13, requires Tier 1 with Childcare investigations for non-sensitive positions in accordance with DoD Manual (DoDM) 1402.05 and Part 86 of Title 32, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
- Background Checks on Individuals in DoD Child Care Services Programs – DODI 1402_5 (.pdf)
- Army Directive 2014-23 (.pdf)
- DoDI 1205.13
All individuals who regularly interact with children under 18 years of age in Army sponsored and sanctioned programs are required to undergo specific initial background checks and periodic re-verifications. These individuals include JROTC Instructors, and any other person reasonably expected to have regular contact with children in performance of their duties or services in an Army sponsored or sanctioned program or activity.
- DO NOT download and return any of these forms until you receive a notification letter from the Chief, Instructor Management Division. Documents will not be accepted without a prior notification letter; you will be liable for all costs. DO NOT send any PII (Protected Information), Background Information, or any other Personal Information via email.
- JROTC instructors currently serving as an instructor is not considered a “new hire” for purposes of the background checks. They still need the checks, but needing the check doesn’t preclude an instructor from transferring schools within the district, outside the district or to another state.
Tier 1 with Child Care Investigation Questions
If you have questions regarding Tier 1 with Childcare Investigation you can send them to the following email address:
Required Forms
Do not download the Tier 1 with Childcare Investigation Packet until instructed to do so by a Background Check Administrator.
The Tier 1 with Childcare Investigation Packet must be completed on a laptop or desktop computer. Do not use a table or mobile device to complete the packet.
Additional State Required Forms
State forms have been updated to reflect Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA). DCSA is no longer accepting State Request Forms that utilize their old name Office of Personnel Management (OPM). Please complete the forms as required and submit with your Tier 1 with Childcare Investigation packet.
Alabama additional requirements:
Arkansas additional requirements:
- Arkansas (.pdf)
Colorado additional requirements:
- Colorado (.pdf)
Delaware additional requirements:
Illinois additional requirements:
- Illinois (.pdf)
Indiana additional requirements:
- Indiana (.pdf)
Iowa additional requirements:
- Iowa (.pdf)
Kentucky additional requirements:
- Kentucky (.pdf)
Michigan additional requirements:
Minnesota additional requirements:
- Minnesota (.pdf)
Mississippi additional requirements:
- Mississippi (.pdf)
New Hampshire additional requirements:
- New Hampshire (.pdf)
New Jersey additional requirements:
- New Jersey (.doc)
New Mexico additional requirements:
- New Mexico (.pdf)
New York additional requirements:
Ohio additional requirements:
- Ohio (.pdf)
Rhode Island additional requirements:
- Rhode Island (.pdf)
South Dakota additional requirements:
- South Dakota (.pdf)
Tennessee additional requirements:
- Tennessee (.pdf)
Texas additional requirements:
- Texas (.pdf)
West Virginia additional requirements:
- West Virginia (.pdf)
- WVSP 39 (.pdf)
- West Virginia Certification and Authorization (.pdf)