St. Louis Public Schools JROTC Programs participated in Veterans Day Parade

Submitted by: MSG (R) Dmitri Payne

On Sat 5 Nov 2022, St. Louis Public Schools JROTC Programs participated in the Veterans Day Parade in Massing of the Colors and as individuals’ units.  Army Programs to participate in the Massing of the Colors, Charles Sumner High School and Vashon High School.

The General’s coin was presented to two cadets one from Sumner High School Cadet Captain Christian Windsor and from Vashon Cadet Captain Darden both Cadets received a coin from.  LT GEN John P Sullivan Deputy Commander Transcom Scott AFB who was the Grand Marshall for St. Louis Veterans Day Parade.

Cadet Windsor was recognized as one of Sumner’s top Cadet’s in the program. 

LT GEN John P Sullivan with Cadet Captain Christian Windsor and Cadet Captain Darden