Best Practices: Social Media

Official Army JROTC Social Media Pages:

Follow, like posts, and share your JROTC content!
You can also share your news stories to be posted on this website:

U.S. Army JROTC Social Media Rules of Engagement

  1. Be Engaged. Respond to messages and comments. This is two-way communication!
  2. Be Professional. Creativity is encouraged, but remember, you still represent the Army and its values!
  3. Be Public. All official social media accounts must be public.
  4. Be Official. Social media accounts must link to a valid official U.S. Army website or your JROTC program’s official .edu webpage.
  5. Be Transparent. You can hide messages that violate your terms of use and spam may be deleted, but maintain public notices of how you treat spam and inappropriate comments and messages.
  6. Be Secure. Do not share PII, FOUO, HIPPA or classified information.
  7. Be Appropriate. Do not use profanity. No alcohol, tobacco or drugs; no inappropriate attire, pornography or sexual references.
  8. Be Legal. Do not use protected material (copyright and trademark), know when to seek permission.
  9. Be Neutral. Do not endorse or promote outside businesses, groups, or products.
  10. Be Apolitical. Do not share political posts, endorse political candidates, or follow partisan political accounts.

Content Standards

  1. AII U.S. Army Junior ROTC Cadets and Instructors will adhere to proper wear and appearance of uniforms per Cadet Command Regulation 145-2.
  2. Posts will adhere to USACC Social Media SOP. Postings must not cause embarrassment or harm to the organization or send a message that conflicts with organizational messages.
  3. Posts will be moderated to reflect the diversity of the U.S. Army JROTC program Cadets, curriculum, co­curricular events, and community service projects.
  4. Questions on post quality or authorization will be directed to the Chief of Training & Operations and/or U.S. Army Cadet Command PAO.
    • JROTC Training & Operations:
    • USACC PAO:

Content Ideas

  1. Highlight outstanding Cadets & Cadre. Recognize Cadets & Cadre who go above and beyond both inside and outside the classroom.
  2. Highlight Army JROTC opportunities. Acknowledge the education, benefits, travel, etc. that is available and use the platforms to attach reliable links that will direct Cadets to more information.
  3. Highlight Army JROTC Alumni. Show their successes and scholarships.

Remember To

  1. THINK. What message am I communicating/trying to communicate and who may potentially view it?
  2. TYPE. Are my messages and captions engaging and are they consistent with our U.S. Army Values?
  3. POST. Does the post’s content and message demonstrate dignity and respect for self and others?

Accounts to Tag

Facebook Accounts to Tag:
@U.S. Army Cadet Command (ROTC)
@U.S. Army
@U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
@U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
@1st Brigade Army ROTC - Spartans
@2nd "Freedom" Brigade Army ROTC
@3rd ROTC Brigade, The Black Hawk Brigade
@4th Brigade Army ROTC
@5th Brigade Army ROTC
@6th Brigade Army ROTC
@7th Brigade ROTC
@8th Brigade Army ROTC

Instagram Accounts to tag:


JROTC Hashtags:



If you have hashtags you would like approved, email

Army JROTC Branding

  1. U.S. Army JROTC programs are prohibited from altering the official U.S. Army Logo, the U.S. Army Cadet Command Logo, and the U.S. Army JROTC Patch Logo due to copyright restrictions.
  2. U.S. Army JROTC Programs are prohibited from using the Cadet Command logo for fundraising.
  3. U.S. Army JROTC programs will be authorized to use the U.S. Army JROTC “classic” Logo for thumbnails, profile pictures, social media accounts, program ­level webpages, educational materials, and program-level social media accounts.

Download the JROTC Logo: