Authored by: C/MAJ Li Anne Isulat
Photos by: C/MAJ Li Anne Isulat
Dublin, CA – The San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Army JROTC recently conducted its Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC) at Camp Parks from February 16th to 18th. This event brought together Cadets from six high schools within the SFUSD Army JROTC Program, providing them with unique opportunities for teamwork and leadership development.

Throughout the three-day event, Cadets engaged in a wide range of activities including a Leadership Reaction Course (LRC), rappelling, rope bridge, first-aid, STEM, and Robotics. A significant aspect of JCLC was the emphasis on providing Cadets with opportunities to assume company-level leadership positions, encouraging them to take charge, make decisions, and act as role models.