Rosewood High School Army JROTC Cadet Sworn in by SAI

Authored by: CPT (R) Peters, Jeremy, Senior Army Instructor (SAI) Rosewood HS, Goldsboro, NC
Photos by: SSG Brooks, Joshua, Recruiter NCARNG

As a Senior Army Instructor (SAI) of a JROTC program, I am encouraged every year by the young men and women who continue to volunteer to take an oath of enlistment into our military ranks. I am even more proud when one of those individuals is a Cadet from my very own Rosewood High School Eagle Battalion. The latest enlistment, on 3 May 2024, was even more special. Cadet Command Sergeant Major (C/CSM) Ian Smith, a current 11th grader and LET 3, asked me to administer his oath of enlistment. I found this to be the most rewarding event as a JROTC instructor. C/CSM Smith is enlisting as an 11B Infantryman into the North Carolina Army National Guard under the Split Training Option (“split-op”) and will attend Army Basic Combat Training at Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning), Georgia this summer between his junior and senior years. I am not only proud because this is one of my students but because our Army and the state of North Carolina are receiving a young man who will be an exemplary Soldier. I am excited for him to return to our program for his senior year of high school after basic training and continuing to be a key leader for our Cadets. More so, I am excited that I will now be able to watch his maturation and military career develop just as successfully as I did during his time in JROTC. Again, I am encouraged by our young men and women who continue to answer the call of service just as we JROTC instructors did once upon a time. I want to thank each of my fellow instructors for your military service and your continued service now as JROTC instructors. We may at times forget just how important our roles are. We are servant leaders providing a service to our youth who will “carry the torch.” Whether in a military capacity or not, we have such great influence and it’s a very special privilege. Thank you, C/CSM Ian Smith for allowing me the honor to be a part of your first step in what will be a bright future and reminding me what a privilege I have to serve again.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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