Retiree Appreciation and Veteran’s day celebration assisted by Warrior Battalion

Submitted by: C/1LT Lennon Spakousky

On November 11th, 2022, Veterans Day commemoration took place at the PX in the Hainerberg Military Base, Wiesbaden, Germany. This event is held every year for veterans in our community. The Warrior Battalion has had the honor of assisting with this event for the past few years and we are proud to assist with this duty.

The Warrior Battalion Color guard began the ceremony with the honor of posting the colors. The members of the color guard included Cadets Jacob Barnes, Josephine Hurt, Pavell Jean-Louis, and Isabella Garrett. Cadet Kayla Pham sang the German and American national anthems while the color guard presented arms and led the audience in honoring our nation. 

The Warrior Battalion Senior Army Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Jon Ring, led the audience in two minutes of silence.  On October 7, 2016, President Obama signed the Veterans Day Moment of Silence Act which calls on all Americans to pause voluntarily for two minutes to honor the sacrifice of veterans.  Each year, the President issues a proclamation that continues the tradition.  The participants and all who passed the ceremony joined in reverently reflecting and praying according to their tradition.    

The overall host of the ceremony was AAFES and their General Manager, Mister Jordan Flint offered his personal gratitude as well as that of the Wiesbaden Community for all Veterans.  The Army Air Force Exchange also provided an awesome commemorative cake for all attendees to share. The first cut of the cake always brings tradition. Veteran representatives from many organizations including Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 27 cut the cake with many hands on the ceremonial saber. 

Retirees were invited to walk through the saber guard, composed of cadets from Wiesbaden JROTC Warrior Battalion under the leadership of Cadet Nathaniel Griffis. The retirees then received gifts, and were able to enjoy the Veterans day cake.

Honoring Veterans is very important – that is why Veterans day is so important. The Warrior Battalion looks forward to helping the people who fought for their freedom and we hope to see them all next year.

Top photo: Veterans passing under the swords of the Wiesbaden JROTC saber guard on their way to the stage.

The main stage on which the event was held. A Thank you board for Veterans, slightly obscured by the Warrior Battalion podium.
Veterans and members of VFW post 27 holding a Warrior Battalion saber, preparing to cut the Veteran’s Day cake.
Senior Army Instructor LT Col Jon Ring during his speech, flanked by assorted members of the Navy and Marine Corps.
The posting of the colors being carried out by the Wiesbaden JROTC color guard before the singing of our national anthem. The colors included the American, German, and POW-Mia Flags.