Written by: MSG (Ret.) John Grayson
Attached are the pictures of some of the events the Harrisburg High School Army JROTC Department participated in the past few days:

We had a Service to Community and Country Themed Week Starting off with Adam Timze talking to the Cadets about how to go about becoming a local Police Officer and Volunteer Firefighter. Adam did an outstanding job with the Cadets. The Cadets also had the opportunity to speak with a local Vietnam Veteran, Mr. George Adams. He spoke about his time in the Navy and the Cadets enjoyed having the opportunity to get to know more about the Vietnam War from somebody that was a part of it.

The Cadets also volunteered to work with the Local American Legion to help hide Easter Eggs for the community at the Poinsett Lake Park.
Later in the week the Cadets were invited to Camp Robinson to get an introduction to the Black Hawk Helicopter including a 30 minute flight which involved some exciting flight maneuvers from some of the best National Guard Pilots and crew members.

The Little Rock Air Force Base also opened up to our Cadets a tour ranging from what the life is like for an active duty Airmen in the barracks/work environment, C-130 crew/operations, Security Force Training, and Explosive Ordnance Disposal Demonstrations.
I hope this opens the eyes of our local young people in getting to know a wide range of options they have in service to one’s community and service to the country.