Ozark High School Army JROTC Raider Team Hosted the 3rd Brigade Raider Championship

Story and Photos by: CW3 (R) Jason K Allen

MARSHFIELD, MO – Saturday, September 30, 2023, The Ozark High School Army JROTC Raider Team hosted the 3rd Brigade Raider Championship sponsored by the United States Army JROTC Cadet Command at Camp Arrowhead.

The Ozark Raider Team Placed as Follows:

Black Team

  • Rope Bridge: 1st
  • PTT: 1st
  • CCLR: 1st
  • Gauntlet: 1st
  • 5K Run: 2nd
  • Overall: 1st

White Team

  • PTT: 3rd
  • Overall: 6th

Red Team

  • Overall: 8th

Ultimate Raider

  • Female: Cadet Drew Ridinger-3rd place.
  • Male: Cadet Dayton Moison-2nd place.

There were 31 teams in attendance from 17 schools across three states.  The Ozark JROTC Raider Team represented the Tiger Battalion and the Ozark School District with great honor as they gave it their all. They gave it their blood, sweat, and tears as they worked together as a whole. This team only seems to continue growing at a steady rate. Every obstacle that comes their way they tackle with a positive attitude and an open mind. Instead of immediately turning opportunities down they give it a try and accomplish phenomenal things.