Omaha Public Schools District 3rd Brigade Army JROTC Hosts A.G.A. Nation’s DUNK

Story and Photos by: LTC (R) Michael A DeBolt

A.G.A. Nation’s DUNK Distracted Driving basketball campaign rolled into Omaha, Nebraska on September 20th, delivering interactive, educational, and entertaining assemblies at North and Bryan high schools. The event was hosted by their respective JROTC programs.

This unique program showcases athletic-style competitions and adrenaline-pumping assemblies. Students Against Drunk Drivers (SADD) sponsor the program and provide a $100 gift card to a lucky attendee at each school. SADD empowers and mobilizes students and adult allies to engage in positive change through leadership and smart decisions-promoting student collaboration to create a healthier and safer world, one positive decision at a time.

DUNK Distracted Driving ™ combines high-energy basketball action with an inspirational and educational message on ways to reduce distracted driving among teenagers. DUNK assemblies feature student interactive segments throughout the presentation on ways to reduce distracted driving for all.

Their message was simple:

D-Don’t be a distracted driver, obey the laws

U-Undivided Attention to the Road

N-Never Drink or text and drive

K-know your limitations and abilities on the road

The group even engages faculty members by enlisting them on the floor and teaching them some dance moves to the delight and laughter of the students.

As part of the High School Assembly Tour, A.G.A. Nation (501 c 3) performance teams have traveled to over 5,000 schools since 2006, delivering interactive, educational, and entertainment-based events across the United States. For more information on action sports show, Bring Your A-Game to School (BMX bikes), and basketball-themed presentation DUNK Distracted Driving, please contact, #aganation, or visit

The students and faculty loved the 45-minute-high flying program and were often thunderstruck with only “awesome” and “wow” as they watched the modern globetrotters on trampolines perform their aerial dunking feats.

The energy in both gymnasiums was elevated by some incredible athletes and their powerful message and students were left with an incredible memory.  

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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