Olympic High School Army JROTC National Raiders Challenge

Story byLTC (Ret.) Chad Byas
Photos by: SFC (Ret.) Carl Wilson

The Olympic High School Army JROTC Raider Team from 4th Brigade participated in the USACC National Raiders Challenge Championship on November 2-5, 2023, at Fort Knox, KY. The USACC JROTC National Raiders Challenge Championship aims to facilitate a nationwide world-class event for JROTC Raider Challenge teams. Olympic JROTC qualified for this event after competing in the 4th BDE Best of the Best Raiders Championship in March 2023.

The Raider Team has logged several hours practicing and preparing for this event for several months. Events include the 5K team run, cross-country rescue, the rope bridge, an obstacle course known as the gauntlet, and the physical fitness team test. The Olympic High School Raider Team missed competing in the Ultimate Challenge event by a few points. Overall, the team did a great job representing Olympic High School.