National Champions! North Brunswick High Army JROTC Air Rifle Team is the 2023 Army JROTC Sporters National Champions

Written by: COL (Ret.) Steven A. Baker

The North Brunswick High JROTC Rifle team earned first place honors for the Army and 5th in the nation across all services in the JROTC National Air Rifle Championship Sporters Division in Ohio on March 25, 2023. The team started their journey towards their victory by competing against 1,100 other JROTC units across the nation in a postal/virtual match which included over 6,000 competitors. Out of this number, 820 competitors qualified to compete at the regional level in Alabama, Ohio, or Utah. After the regional competition, the field was narrowed down to the top 220 competitors in all services, Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Army, to compete for the National Championship. 

During this two day competition the team was led by Jose Gonzalez with a score of 1109 followed by  Jasmine Lopez with a score of 1083, Tiffany Martinez with a score of 1079, and Hannah Gore with a score of 1070. The finaled with a combined score of 4341. 

Jose Gonzalez was recognized for being the number one shooter in the Army and 5th in the nation across all services.

Also, Jose Gonzalez and Jasmine Lopez received their Junior Distinguished Badges.

The team is coached by 1SG George Williams.

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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