Ms. Alison Yoshimoto-Towery of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is awarded the Commander’s Public Service Commendation Medal

Story by Colonel (R) Darryl Hensley

Photo by Ms. Adrianna Valenzuela 

Ms. Alison Yoshimoto-Towery was awarded the Commander’s Public Service Commendation Medal by the Director of Army Instruction, Colonel (Retired) Darryl Hensley and the Director of Secondary Education, Ms. Mylene Keipp at a ceremony on August 31, 2022, for her untiring devotion to duty and support for the 15 Army JROTC programs within the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD).  A big thank you to Terry Byrd, JROTC Operations and to the 8th Brigade (ROTC) Commander, Colonel James Scott III for rapidly approving and mailing the award just in time for her farewell celebration in Los Angeles.  Alison Yoshimoto-Towery has been the cornerstone of support for our LAUSD Junior ROTC programs. She will be missed as our former Chief Academic Officer for LAUSD, but she plans to stay in touch with us while serving in a key leadership position with the California Department of Education.