Montgomery Central High School Cadet accepted to West Point

Submitted by: CSM (R) James Manning
Photo by: CSM (R) James Manning

C/CSM Davin Mayfield of Montgomery Central High School was recently accepted into the United States Military Academy (West Point). Cadet Mayfield was planning to go to LSU on a full ride four-year ROTC scholarship when he received the news that he had been accepted into West Point. Cadet Mayfield ranked in the top ten of his senior graduating class and served as the Cadet Battalion Command Sergeant Major.

Davin has earned numerous accolades and awards during his four years of high school as well as being a part of the command leadership of the JROTC program. These accolades and awards include earning the Academic Excellence award given to the cadet with the highest GPA in his year group. Davin has earned the American Legion Scholastic Excellence award, Honor roll Tab, Academic Achievement Wreath, Proficiency Ribbon, Commendation Ribbon, Staff Excellence Ribbon, Good Conduct Ribbon, and the ROTC Athletic Ribbon. Cadet Mayfield has also earned his letter for outstanding participation on the high school wrestling team and Cyber-patriot arc as a member of the JROTC Cyber-patriot team. As a junior and senior, cadet Mayfield participated at the National Fitness Championships in Daytona Beach, Florida as a member of the Indian Pride fitness team.

Cadet Davin Mayfield epitomizes what being a responsible, initiative-taking leader is all about. His potential is truly boundless, and there is no doubt that he will excel at West Point!