Mililani High School Army JROTC Trojan Battalion March in Homecoming Parade

Story by and Photos by: C/CPT Kayley S Morimoto

Mililani High School Army JROTC Trojan Battalion with 137 Cadets participated in the 2023/2024 Homecoming Parade on 30 September 2023. It is a tradition that kicks off Homecoming week for Mililani High School.

This year marks the first time in the history of the Trojan Battalion (established in 2012), that its first three exchange students participated in JROTC. The students are from France, Turkey, and Moldova. The exchange program is available through the State Department, hosting the students for the entire school year. You learn so much about them and their culture, and in turn, they live with a host family and learn about the host family and their culture. All Cadets finished the 1.2-mile parade, earning their first parade ribbon for our newest LET 1’s.

The Battalion Commander, C/LTC Alexia Cramer said, “I really enjoyed the parade, and leading the Battalion. The SAI and AI are the mentors, but they give me the authority to actually lead, and help me along the way.” C/CSM Rafael Ortiz said, “The Cadets performed amazing, sounding off with the cadences when asked, and our two drummers kept the battalion in step the entire way.”