Mililani High School Army JROTC Attend the Annual Cross-Country Meet

Story and Photos by: C/CPT Kayley Morimoto

The Mililani Middle School hosted the annual Cross-country meet, 25 October 2023, for five Elementary Schools in the Mililani Community.  Mililani Army JROTC provided the Color Guard, and course marshals for the course.

“We love to see future Cadets, as volunteer leaders in the community, we honor this worthy cause by providing the Color Guard, and making sure the students stay on course, motivating them along the way.”

C/LTC, Alexia Cramer, Trojan Battalion Commander

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

****SOP UPDATE! CHANGE 1 has been uploaded on this page’s Raider Challenge Event Information Tab****

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