McCluer HS Army ROTC Scholarship Winners

Submitted by: SAI LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray
Photos by: Erica Brooks

McCluer Army JROTC Cadet Christian Fox and Football player Jalen Reynold both earned and have been awarded Lincoln University (MO) 3-year Advance Designee Army ROTC Scholarships. According to Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Darrell M. Gray, McCluer HS Army JROTC Senior Army Instructor, “I’m extremely happy for both Cadet Fox and Mr. Reynolds on their scholarships. More importantly, this is an example that debunks one of the myths about Army ROTC Scholarships, as not all ROTC Scholarship applicants have to be JROTC Cadets in high school.” During his 4 years at McCluer, Mr. Reynolds wasn’t able to enroll in McCluer’s AJROTC Corps of Cadets, however he went to LTC (R) Gray asking questions about the military and after a brief discussion, learned he qualified to apply for the Army ROTC National Scholarship as well as Lincoln Univ. and Central State Univ. Army ROTC Campus-based Scholarships.  Mr. Reynolds accepted the Lincoln University Army ROTC Campus-based Scholarship. Cadet Fox, through his participation in McCluer’s Army JROTC and desire to attend Lincoln University applied for the Army ROTC National Scholarship and Lincoln Univ. Army ROTC Campus-based Scholarship.  Cadet Fox also accepted the Lincoln University Army ROTC Campus-based Scholarship. Winners of Lincoln University’s Army ROTC Campus-based Scholarship have their tuition & fees, room & board and books paid for their Freshman year by the Lincoln University Foundation. Student’s Sophomore, Junior and Senior years are paid via a 3-year Army ROTC Scholarship from the U.S. Army Cadet Command. Combined, Christian and Jalen have four years of college at Lincoln University paid.

Above Photo: Jalen Reynolds, LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray, Cadet Christian Fox pose with the Ceremonial checks from Lincoln University (MO) Army ROTC following McCluer AJROTC Award Ceremony at McCluer High School Comet Battalion HQs.

Jalen Reynolds presented Army ROTC Scholarship Ceremonial Check by McCluer SAI LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray & Mr. Mark Pratt, Lincoln University (MO) Army ROTC Recruiting Officer at McCluer AJROTC Annual Award Ceremony.
Cadet Christian Fox presented Army ROTC Scholarship Ceremonial Check by McCluer SAI LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray & Mr. Mark Pratt, Lincoln University (MO) Army ROTC Recruiting Officer at McCluer AJROTC Annual Award Ceremony.