McCluer High School Army JROTC SAI Selected as School and District Teacher of the Year

Story by: LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray
Photos by: LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray

LTC (R) Darrell M. Gray was selected as McCluer HS Teacher of the Year (ToY) in FEB 2024, after which he competed among 21 other School-level Teachers of the Year for Ferguson Florissant School District (FFSD) ToY. Both ToY selection processes began with a nomination and then scored via an application packet. As a finalist for the District ToY, LTC (R) Gray participated in an interview and a classroom observation by the District’s Instructional Leadership Team. FFSD Superintendent Dr. Joseph Davis notified and posted on FFSD social media pages LTC (R) Gray’s selection as FFSD ToY on 20 MAR 2024. Next, LTC (R) Gray will represent FFSD at the Missouri State Regional ToY. LTC (R) Gray is from Lawton/Ft. Sill, OK, and has been the McCluer HS Army JROTC SAI and Department Chairman since he retired from the active Army 10 years ago.