Marianas High School Class of 2022: Alumni of the Dolphin Battalion

Story by: C/CPT. Eugenio, Gemrene Mae

Saipan, CNMI — Marianas High School Class of 2022 graduates, Teody Valenzuela and Lawrence Salamat have recently graduated from their Basic Combat Training in Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia. PFC. Valenzuela, Teody reported to Fort Benning on June 24th, 2022. He is currently in Charlie Company 1-19, 198th in BDE. Having lost motivation and considered skipping training sessions, he said, “I experienced a lot of ups and downs, but mostly felt down since he was away from his loved ones and was rarely able to contact them.” But he persevered and pushed through till the end of his training. Teody Valenzuela graduated from BCT on August 26, 2022. He began AIT in August 29, 2022, and is set to graduate AIT on November 22, 2022.

On July 1st, 2022, PFC. Salamat, Lawrence reported to Fort Benning. He is currently in Bravo Company 2-58, 58th Infantry Regiment. Lawrence faced many challenges during basic combat training. Lawrence Salamat says of his time in Basic Training, “There were times when I felt anxious and second-guessed my choice to join.” Nonetheless, on September 9, 2022, he successfully graduated from BCT. He began AIT on September 13, 2022, and is set to graduate AIT on December 9, 2022.

PFC. Valenzuela was the former Battalion Executive Officer and PFC. Salamat was the former Battalion Training and Operations Officer of the MHS Dolphin Battalion. They were hardworking and persisting cadets that finished high school as LET 4’s. Both say they’ve effectively used their knowledge in the JROTC program to help them push through BCT and AIT.

Photo: Former members of the Battlions, September 12, 2022, on Fort Benning in Columbus, Georgia