Manua High School Army JROTC Veterans Day Program

Story by: 1SG (R) Kitzingen Moliga
Photos by: C/Cpt Lambert Leota


On 9th November 2023, Manu’a High School Army JROTC from 8th Brigade conducted the Veterans Day Ceremony honoring Manu’a veterans residing locally.


The primary goal is to establish a relationship between the Cadets and local Veterans. This allows the veterans to give the task force supporting advice and through sharing their  experiences, give Cadets an understanding of encounters and challenges one might face when choosing the military as a career path


Segaula taskforce

•Passive Review: marching formation

•Raising US and AM Samoa Flags: Singing anthems

•Post Colors, Veteran Speech, Moment of silence

•Giving gifts: Veteran T-shirts w/ Segaula Logo

•Lunch prepared by Taskforce

Event Outputs:

The Veterans Day Ceremony resulted successfully in the attendance of veterans from all around the Manu’a district. Veterans shared words of wisdom, promoting morale and determination to do good in school to set and gear up for a career path in the military. This development allowed the task force to build a network with school organizations, local community leaders, businesses, and feeder schools. By uniting in support, partnerships with the MHS Student Council, the people of the  community, and the Veterans  promoted JROTC growth mentally, physically, and financially.  

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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