Mallard Creek High School Army JROTC Annual CMS Award Ceremony

Authored by: C/SFC Bowen and C/CPT Roa
Photos by: C/SFC Bowen and C/CPT Roa

Congratulations to the Maverick battalion for being awarded a gold superintendent cup at the CMS Award Ceremony! There efforts this school year have proven to reap great benefits. Congratulations to Cadets Xavier Roa for winning the Scholastic Award, Nathan Benson for winning the Leadership Award, and Harshit Patel for winning the Citizenship award. These Cadets have been awarded prestigious medals for their high academic achievement, outstanding leadership qualities, and unwavering display of loyalty and citizenship. The Maverick Battalion is incredibly proud to award our Cadets with this honor and is motivated to continue striving for excellence!!

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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