Los Angeles USD JROTC has earned the DAI and SAI of the Year for SY 2022

Los Angeles Unified School District Junior ROTC Program has earned the Director of Army Instruction and Senior Army Instructor of the Year for School Year 2022 (both from the 8th Brigade). Awarded by the United States Army Cadet Command.

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) earns the top two Army JROTC instructor awards for 2022. COL (Ret) Darryl Hensley was selected as the 2022 U.S. Army Cadet Command Director of Army Instruction of the Year and 1SG (Ret) Charles Mujica, SAI, James Monroe High School, LAUSD wins the 2022 U.S. Army Cadet Command Senior Army Instructor of the Year.  The Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command, GEN Paul Funk II, and the LAUSD Superintendent, Mr. Alberto Carvalho congratulated both winners at a Special Scholarship, Academy Appointment, and newly Army Enlistment Ceremony in Los Angeles on June 10, 2022. General Funk awarded both instructors with his Commander’s Coin for Excellence for their hard work and dedication to serving America’s Youth in 15 Army JROTC Programs in Los Angeles that provide citizenship, leader development, and character development for over 2,000 Army JROTC cadets in the Nation’s Second Largest School District.  Congratulations to COL (Ret) Darryl Hensley and 1SG (Ret) Charles Mujica. 

GEN Paul E. Funk II presenting his Commander’s Coin to COL (Ret) Darryl Hensley, 2022 USACC DAI of the Year.  
Photo by Mylene Keipp, Director of Secondary Education, LAUSD 

1SG (Ret) Mujica, 2022 USACC SAI of the Year Congratulates the LAUSD All-City Colonel Jessica MacDonald-Gonzalez, a new Graduate from James Monroe High School and a 2-Year Army ROTC Scholarship Winner for 2022.  Photo by Jessica’s Mother, Mrs. MacDonald