JROTC Unit Management System (JUMS) Helpful Information and Video Tutorials.
The JROTC Unit Management System (JUMS) is the system of record used by Army JROTC DAIs, DOPs, and Instructors to document Cadet enrollment, manage Cadet awards, promotions, positions, and Cadet Challenge scores. JUMS documents unit and Cadet participation in co-curricular events, including school and community support or service activities. It also provides a system to document the issue and turn-in of Cadet uniforms and instructional materials.
As the system of record, it is where Army JROTC Instructors submit annual program reports.
This video tutorial series will help you with common features and functionality of JUMS. These videos are a supplement to the JUMS User Guide and should be viewed along with a copy of the JUMS User Guide.
Click here to download the most recent copy of the JUMS User Guide.
Click here to login to JUMS (Microsoft Edge is required).
There are three options on school information page:
3 year program: 10-12 only
4 year program: 9-12 8th graders (pre-freshmen) are located in close proximity (same school grounds or within commuting distance). Transportation will not be covered by the US Army Cadet Command, JROTC.
5 year program: K-12, 8-12, 7-12 (schools) etc. 8th graders (pre-freshmen) are in the same physical school as 9-12.
8th grade Cadets will be added to LET 1 their 8th grade year, and will continue with LET 1 through their 9th grade year.
8th grade enrollment on enrollment reports will be 100%. If you have six (6) 8th grade JROTC Cadets physically in your school (5 year program), then the school enrollment for 8th graders (pre-freshmen) will also be six (6).
If you have six (6) 8th grade JROTC Cadets physically in your program, and two (2) magnet 8th graders (homeschooled or transported), your school enrollment for 8th graders will be six (6) and two magnet Cadets.
Magnet Cadets: Your magnet Cadets will not be entered into the ethnic breakout table or in the host school count, as they are not PHYSICALLY in the school.
* 8th graders are listed as pre-freshmen on enrollment reports
Grant Information
Grant information has been added to the school management page.
Based on Section 513 of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), JROTC is required to collect information on grants to support science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).
On the school information page, please click the corresponding radio button for receiving grants (Y/N). If you answer yes, you will need to enter total monetary amount and total federally funded amount.
Click here to download the DSL 4.03 FAQs to learn more
JROTC Staff and Cadre JROTC staff and Cadre must have a DS Logon premium account or CAC card to access JUMS.
For assistance creating a DS Logon account or resetting your DS Logon password please call: DS Logon Technical Support at 1-800-477-8227
If you have a premium DS login account or a CAC card and cannot access or login to JUMS, please contact your assigned Brigade S6 for assistance. JROTC staff and Cadre account permissions for JUMS are assigned and managed in JCIMS by the brigade S6 staff.
Click here to download the Brigade S6 Point-of-Contact List. (.xlsx)
If the school name or address is incorrect, DA Form 918B (Amendment to Application for Establishment of Army Reserve Officers' Training Corps Unit) is required to request the correction.
You may also download the DA Form 918B by clicking here.
You must complete the form and mail it and 4 copies to your designated representative (either your Brigade or your Director of Army Instructor (DAI)).
To correct superintendent or principals names in JUMS, submit a letter on school letterhead, signed by a school official with the correct information through your brigade JROTC staff, to the USACC, JROTC Directorate, Instructor Management Division. Letters may be emailed to usarmy.knox.usacc.list.hq-jrotc-im@army.mil. Once Instructor Management Division updates the information in JCIMS, JUMS will update automatically. The instructions to correct this information is located in JUMS by navigating to Manage Unit/School Information and clicking on the blue information icons located adjacent to the Superintendent and Principal Names or by reviewing the JUMS User Guide, paragraph 2-2, Review and Update Information About the School.
Click here to begin training on the JUMS Training Website (Internet Explorer 11 is required).
- Issue an Award to a Cadet
- Batch Action Issue an Award to a Group of Cadets
- Add External Awards to Cadet Records
- Change 'Optional by SAI' Ribbon Names
- Set Cadet Adjutant Position for Award and Promotion Orders
- View the Awards on Uniform Report
Click here to download the Editable JROTC Ribbon Poster (.doc).
I Still Need Help!
The fastest, easiest and most reliable source of “help” for JUMS is the JUMS User Guide. The JUMS User Guide contains step-by-step instructions for the majority of functions performed by users in JUMS. Users are encouraged to review and follow the JUMS User Guide instructions prior to submitting a service order to the HRC Service Order Desk.
JUMS Help desk support by USACC Service desk support team. Contact the Service Desk by email at usarmy.knox.usacc.mbx.helpdesk@army.mil you can also self submit to https://usacc-g6.my.site.com/support/s/. Please include your first and last name, phone number, and the name of your school, city, and state in your message. Provide a brief synopsis of the issue and screen shots of any error messages received.
Please do not call or email USACC Service desk support team for Instructor account assistance – USACC Service desk support team personnel cannot review or provide assistance for your account. Accounts are managed by your Brigade S6 personnel.
For non-technical questions, please email usarmy.knox.usacc.mbx.hq-jrotc-jumshelp@army.mil.