JFK Denver Army JROTC and JFK Guam Air Force JROTC participate in Front Range Classic Partnership Rifle Match

Story and photos by: 1SG (Ret.) Paul N. Mahoney

Recently JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam came to participate in the Front Range Classic Partnership Rifle Match.  

JFK Guam Air Force JROTC and JFK Denver Army JROTC have established a partnership over many years through drill competitions on the west coast.  JFK Guam started a brand-new marksmanship program this year and were looking for instruction and competition.

On 27 February, JFK Denver hosted the Colorado State CMP Director, SGM Rod Smith from Fountain Fort Carson HS and the Guam Cadets for a marksmanship clinic conducted on the JFK Denver range.

The cadets exchanged T-Shirts and shared an In N Out burger lunch at the completion.  The Guam cadets then proceeded to the United States Air Force Academy to conduct a tour.

On 28 February, Abraham Lincoln High School (ALHS), Denver hosted the Front Range Classic Match at their range.  MSG Mark Beasley, the Rifle Coach at ALHS, exposed the Guam cadets to a fully automated “Athena” range.  He and his ALHS team provided additional instruction and the Guam cadets shot very well.  

At the conclusion of the match, the top Guam shooter and the top Denver shooter squared off for a finals shoot-off.  At the completion of the finals, all the cadets received Command Coins from the US Army Recruiters.

Finally, all cadets were awarded the FRC Guam-Denver Partnership medals and exchanged T-shirts and gifts.  

The principal from JFK Guam attended all the events and was very impressed with the Denver JROTC.  JFK Guam has committed to attending the “Victory for Veterans” Junior Olympic Qualifier hosted by the Denver JROTC every March.  The proceeds go to the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) to raise awareness and provide assistance for veterans dealing with mental health issues.

This was truly a “joint-service” event!

JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam and JFK Denver Army JROTC
JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam and JFK Denver Army JROTC
JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam and JFK Denver Army JROTC
JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam and JFK Denver Army JROTC
JFK High School Air Force JROTC from Guam and JFK Denver Army JROTC
Front Range Classic Partnership Rifle Match Medallions