Jefferson County High School Army JROTC Cadet Receives Legion of Valor Bronze Cross

Story Photos by: SFC (R) Thomas Sims

The 7th Brigade Commander, Colonel Edwin Chilton awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross for Achievement to Cadet Jenilee Worley for outstanding achievement of scholastic excellence in military and academic subjects, leadership, and physical fitness over the past three years.

This highly coveted award is presented to less than 80 Cadets out of over 470,000 Cadets currently enrolled in all branches of JROTC in high schools across the nation. This equates to being in the top point zero two percent of all Cadets across the country. It is the highest award offered by Cadet Command

Her selfless service, professionalism, and dedication to duty are in keeping with the finest traditions of JROTC service and reflect great credit upon herself, the Patriot Battalion, and Jefferson County High School.

Cadet Worley also received the coveted 7th Brigade Commanders Coin from COL Chilton for her outstanding performance.