Interlachen High School JROTC Participates in Army Fitness Test

Submitted by LTC (R) Korey Brown

As JROTC cadre and school administrators watched, the Interlachen High School JROTC Cadets participated in an Army Combat Fitness Test with the support of the Army Recruiting Station, Palatka, Florida.  SSG Vives and SGT Pough, U.S. Army active recruiters spent their day challenging the Corps of Cadets both mentally and physically on 4 October 2022.  Each cadet completed the demanding physical fitness challenge and left the field with a sense of accomplishment and pride!  Well done Cadets! 

Interlachen HS JROTC ACFT

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

****SOP UPDATE! CHANGE 1 has been uploaded on this page’s Raider Challenge Event Information Tab****

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