Independence High School JROTC Tour Tennessee State Capital

Story by MAJ (R) Jay Massey

The Independence High School JROTC from Thompson’s Station, TN. took their cadets to Nashville to tour the Tennessee State Capital on Friday, September 16th.  While visiting the capital, cadets learned about the history of the capital building which opened officially in 1859, and some other important facts about former political and historical figures from the great State of Tennessee which left important and lasting legacies.   Additionally, the tour included a stop where cadets could see the tomb of former President James K. Polk and Mrs. Polk, and a brief visit to the Senate and House of Representative chambers. 

 The Senior Army Instructor for the Independence High School JROTC is Major (retired) Jay Massey and the Army Instructor is Sergeant First Class (retired) Eddie Slusser. 

Independence HS JROTC at Tennessee State Capital

Published-FRAGO 4 to USACC OPORD 24-02-008 JROTC National Raider Challenge 191652 (EST) AUG24

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