Authored by: C/2LT Bhumula, Chaitra
Photos by: C/SGT Tial, Biak
The regional drill competition held in North Carolina, was a successful experience for Howard High School Army JROTC Cadets. The Cadets won awards in the Inspection, Regulation, and Exhibition categories. Howard High School Army JROTC ended with 2nd place overall and will be going to Nationals in May!
This competition was an amazing experience and I would love to do it again!
C/CPL Kwon
Many other Cadets like C/PV2 Leidemer had the same experience.
I enjoyed getting to compete with my teammates and watching their performances.
C/PV2 Leidemer
The competition was a great learning experience that taught Cadets collaboration, resilience, improved their formations, and provided confidence. They will grow from this experience and hope to do even better in the upcoming Nationals.