Hopewell High School Army JROTC Raider Meet

Story by: C/1LT Reed Hinson, C/CPT Jacob Lopiano, and C/CPT Blake Hambleton

Photos By: C/CPT Lopiano and C/PFC Hambleton

JL Mann Drill Meet and Fred T. Foard Raider Meet

The Hopewell High School Army JROTC Titan Battalion Drill Team from 4th Brigade, led by C/LTC Bayley Schaefer, traveled to JL Mann High School in Greenville, South Carolina to compete in the unarmed division for platoon, squad, inspection, Color Guard, and platoon exhibition. The team placed in the top 3 for color guard, platoon exhibition, and platoon earning second place overall and first for The Best Of The Best qualifier. The Titan Battalion Raider Team, led by C/CPT Graydon Jackson, competed in the 4th Brigade Best of Best qualifying competition at Fred T. Foard High School in Newton, North Carolina. The Raider Team placed first in the five-kilometer run and in the top three in the rope bridge, the Humvee truck pull, and team obstacle courses earning second place overall, and first for The Best Of The Best qualifier.