Hillcrest Army JROTC Cadet is selected to serve as 5th BDE C/CDR for Dallas Independent School District.

Written by: CW4 (Ret.) Christine V. Landers

DALLAS, TX — C/1LT Nicolas Powell represented Hillcrest High School for the SY23-24 Brigade Staff Board. Nicolas competed against Dallas Independant School District (ISD) High School JROTC cadets for a position on the Brigade Board Staff. The board interview process evaluated Nicolas on personal appearance, uniform wear, general JROTC knowledge, military knowledge, and his portfolio. C/1LT Nicolas Powell won the Brigade Board and is the new C/COL for 5TH Brigade of Dallas ISD JROTC, his first duty as commander will be our big summer JROTC Cadet Leadership Challenge (JCLC), he will represent the Brigade Staff throughout the next school year. We are so proud of him, and a job well done C/COL Nicolas Powell.

Photo Caption: C/COL Nicolas Powell, 5th BDE C/CDR for Dallas Independent School District (Photo credit: CW4 (Ret.) Christine V. Landers)