Greenville High School – Two High School Graduates Joined the U.S. Army National Guard

Writer & Photographer – Colonel (Ret.) Alan Hester

On Sept. 5, two recent graduates of Greenville High School, Mya Robinson and Kendall Bowen, completed their Basic Training and officially became soldiers in the U.S. Army National Guard. Not only did these two complete their 12-week course of Basic Training, held at Fort Jackson, S.C., successfully, the two were recognized, out of hundreds of Basic Training graduates, as the top two soldiers of their Basic Training cycle.

Robinson was recognized as Soldier Leader of the Cycle, noting her impressive leadership as Company and Platoon Guide. Likewise, Bowen was recognized as Soldier of the Cycle, earning overall top honors from among Basic Training graduates at Fort Jackson. Robinson and Bowen were both May 2024 graduates of the Butler County Career Academy (BCCA) JROTC Tiger Battalion program, each completing four years in the program. Robinson rose to Cadet Lieutenant Colonel and served her last year as the Battalion Commander of the program.

Bowen rose to Cadet Major and served her last year as the Battalion Executive Officer (XO) of the program. Each were four-year members of the award-winning Tiger Battalion Drill Team, earning three event Alabama State Championships along the way. The two were also members of the Color Guard and Marksmanship teams and completed numerous JROTC summer camps during their high school summers, including the Wiregrass STEM Camp held in Troy. Clarence Robinson, Mya’s father, noted that participation in JROTC was a difference-maker for both Mya and Kendall: “Their participation in the JROTC program was pivotal and changed their direction. Mya was initially hesitant to join as a freshman, but she is so glad she did. The program really elevated her.”

He added that participation on the teams and at summer camps imparted them with practical and leadership abilities that absolutely prepared them for success at Basic Training. He said, “The skills that Mya and Kendall had already developed allowed them to focus on being good leaders of others at Basic Training, rather than being stressed out about learning the basics and whether they would be able to make it. For them Basic Training was actually a fun experience.”

Sergeant Adriana Williams, a recruiter for the Alabama National Guard recruiter, also played a big role in preparing Robinson and Bowen for their success at Basic Training. Williams related Robinson and Bowen have been leaders from Day One at the Recruit Sustainment Program (RSP) unit in Daleville, where they trained on weekends for almost a year.

Williams said, “They stood out among other soldiers from the very beginning, with a high level of confidence, skill, and leadership. They have truly been a joy to work with. What really set them apart was that they completely bought in to their JROTC program and its success and used their JROTC experience to grow as leaders.”

Because of their completion of JROTC, both Mya and Kendall are starting their Army careers at the grade of E-4, already wearing the rank of Specialist. Following completion of Basic Training, Mya Robinson shipped off to Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where she is in training as an 88M Motor Transportation Specialist and will graduate from that course on Oct. 24.

Bowen immediately began her Advanced Individual Training (AIT), in her case staying at Fort Jackson, as a 42A Human Resources Specialist. She will graduate on November. Robinson and Bowen will each start their college careers at Troy University in Jan. 2025, funded by the Alabama National Guard.