Garfield HS JROTC 76 Annual Mexican Independence Day Parade VIP Reception

Submitted by: 1SG (R) Raymond Eason

This year marked the 76th annual Mexican Independence Parade since the two year COVID pandemic. The entire Garfield High school community is honored each year to take part in the Mexican Heritage parade. On September 18, 2022 members of the Garfield HS Army JROTC Elite Color guard did the presentation of colors for the Mexican Independence VIP reception to honor the US flag with Federal, State and local dignitaries in attendance to officially kick off the annual parade. As part of the celebration of Hispanic heritage month the Garfield Hs Army JROTC color guard had the distinct honor to participate in two other special events leading up to the parade:

September 15, 2022 – El Grito at City Hall, Los Angeles, Ca.

September 16, 2022 – Honores a los Heros (Honor the Heros)  

Placita/Olvera St.  – Los Angles Ca. – Downtown.

Again, the members of the Garfield High School Army JROTC are deeply honored each year to participate and celebrate Hispanic heritage month.