Garfield High School JROTC celebrates the 75th Day of Instruction

Photo/Story 1SG (R) Eason, Senior Army Instructor (SAI), and SSG (R) Terry Buckhannon, Army Instructor (AI)

On December 9, 2022, Garfield High School invited members of the Garfield High School JROTC Saber and Staff to participate in the 75th Day of Instruction celebration that awarded students with 3 or fewer, conchas and a chance to win school-related prizes. The Garfield HS Bulldawg battalion often participates in these attendance recognition days. The current average attendance rate is 94% for the school paralleling the average daily rate of the JROTC program.

Mrs. Sonia Thong, the high school’s Pupil Service and Attendance Counselor established an outstanding school-wide daily attendance program that recognizes and awards students every 25 days who have maintained good attendance.  This practice aims to reinforce good habits such as punctuality and attendance, while also encouraging all students to maintain excellent attendance over the course of the school year. Moreover, Thong uses this program to find ways to support both students and their families to better improve their attendance.

Garfield High School JROTC 75th Day of School Celebration
Garfield High School JROTC 75th Day of School Celebration