Garfield High School – Army JROTC Color Guard Honored the Hero

Writer: 1SG(R) Raymond Eason

Photographer: 1SG(R) Raymond Eason

On September 21, 2024, almost 74 years since Private First-Class Eugene Obregon sacrificed his life to save a fellow marine during the Korean War, members of the Garfield HS Army JROTC were invited to perform alongside the Marine Corps League, US Marine Recruiting, and Troop 777 Korean-American Boy Scouts, axillary organization and the local community to honor and commemorate the ultimate sacrifice of PFC Eugene Obregon USMC. Together, they honored PFC Eugene Obregon and the 75,000 who served in the Korean War.

North Korean People’s Army poured across the 38th Parallel. The boundary between the Soviet-backed Democratic People’s Republic of Korea to the North and the pro-western Republic of Korea to the South. PFC Obregon’s conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action against enemy aggressive forces at Seoul Korea at the cost of his life was awarded the Medal of Honor by then-President Harry S. Truman on September 26, 1950.

While serving as an ammunition carrier of a machine gun squad in a Marine Rifle Company which was temporarily pinned down by hostile fire, PFC Obregon observed a fellow Marine fall wounded in the line of fire. Armed with only a pistol, he unhesitatingly dashed from his covered position to the side of casualty. Firing his pistol with one hand and despite the great peril to himself, dragged him to the side of the road. Still, under enemy fire, he bandaged his fellow marine.

Quickly seizing the wounded Marine, he placed his body as a shield in front of him and lay there firing effectively into the hostile group until he was fatally wounded by enemy machine-gun fire. Through his bravery, and devotion to duty, PFC Obregon enabled his fellow marines to rescue the wounded man and aided in essentially repelling the attack, and through his gallantry gave his life.

The Mighty Bulldawg Battalion with all its members sincerely appreciates PFC Obregon’s boldness, selflessness, and dedication to the USMC and his country.